Outfits Made Easy for Your Branding Shoot - Just think in Levels!


Your outfits are very important, if not the most important, part of your shoot. Not only do you want to look amazing, but you want your look to reflect your brand. And the best way to create the perfect branding session wardrobe is to think in levels.

The whole goal of personal branding photography is to showcase your story. And since there are multiple sides to your story, you need multiple levels of looks. Thinking in levels of professionalism for your outfits can help you plan which type of outfit will be appropriate for your story!

The Levels

While not everything fits nicely into one of the following buckets, this is a general guide to the levels of attire you should consider for your session. 

Boss Babe

This look is high level professionalism. It’s great if your work requires face-to-face meetings with high-end clients. You may also consider this look for your shoot if you regularly book speaking engagements, or if you want to elevate how your clients view you.

Casual Professional

Boston Commercial Photographer

This is a great look for those who work from home or by themselves with the occasional client meeting. Think jeans or casual slacks. You may also consider this outfit if you prefer a more relaxed look than the Bossbabe, but still want to come across as professional.


Headshot Photography

For the more 'personal' side of your brand, this is a great look to include in your shoot. Think about it as 'put-together-casual,' usually jeans and a casual top. It’s perfect for entrepreneurs who are always on the run, primarily work from home and want to be real with their audience.

Cozy Comfy

Branding Photography Outfits
Nicki Krawczyk of NickiCopy.com

Nicki Krawczyk of NickiCopy.com

The last level is the cozy comfy look - where you have an opportunity to get really real and authentic. It’s great for those with clients who embrace the comfy/cozy lifestyle. Whether it’s jeans and an oversized sweater or yoga pants and a hoodie, the key to this look is ensuring your ideal client will connect with you.

Wardrobe Tips

A few final tips to keep in mind for curating your shoot wardrobe:

  • Wear something that you are comfortable in 

  • Accessorize! 

  • Layer up during the colder months 

  • Nails should be clean and unchipped 

  • Skip clothing items with large logos or graphics, solids are usually best 

  • Aim for clothes that fit well and are not sheer or see-through 

  • Make sure to iron your clothes beforehand

If you’re still having trouble figuring out what to wear and you live in the Boston area, book with me! I make it part of my shoot process to lend you a hand with outfit planning so that you feel great, look amazing, and your images work perfectly with your brand. 

Ready to get down to work choosing your branding and headshot session wardrobe? Click here to book now and I can provide helpful feedback on what would look best for your session.