Valle Family // Rockport, MA

This was one of my favorite sessions this summer... first, because I became friends with the Valle Family before they became clients of mine, and second - HELLO gorgeous location and lighting! eeek!!! 

 Kerry and I first met while working together in public government and I've photographed her family a few times now. It's been awesome watching her boys grow and turn into the amazing little humans they are! Colin is so funny and adorable. He can work the camera all day and warm your heart with his charming and optimistic and hilarious personality. Ryder - boy what a ham. He is such the sweetest little boy and has a smile that can outshine the sun. Kerry and her awesome husband Chris have done an amazing job raising them while both working full time and running a small business.

It was so nice to see them while they were on vacation in Rockport and unwind with the kiddos!

Hope you enjoy this session <3