Bertone Girls // Rexham Beach, Marshfield MA

I've known Joanna for almost as long as I have lived in Boston - which means about 9 years now! I've photographed her girls at the beach 3 years in a row and boy have the grown. Still adorable of course and some of the best little models I've worked with! We normally go for a morning shoot - but this time we switched it up to a sunset shoot - and the photos came out AMAZING! The golden light was perfect, giving the girls a soft glow for their session :) 

Kaylee is the older sister and is a bit more outgoing than her little sister Amelia. She also kept me laughing throughout the session with curtsy pose. It was soooo cute. She also loves the water...a bit fearless but such a great big sister holding Amelia's hand as they walked to the water. Amelia is such a little peanut but so sweet. She is quieter than Kaylee, but very thoughtful and sensitive. Both the girls have a love for geology (go figure since their mom has a geology background)...but little Amelia could have cared less for the shoot and just built rock forts all evening. But that didn't mean she ignored the camera, because I certainly got some amazing shots. 

This summer has been an amazing one for me and my clients and this session is no exception! 

Enjoy friends!