Melissa and Kurt ~ Design Meets Photography, Boston Couples Shoot

When Melissa mentioned to me that they wanted a shoot location that could incorporate exposed brick and possibly the underside of a rusty old bridge, I literally jumped out of my seat! For those of you that know me in my past life, I worked for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, where I performed environmental permitting for road and bridge projects. It was that time in my life where I became in LOVE with bridges - all types and designs! So you can see why I literally almost fell out of my seat when she mentioned that. Then, about a week before the shoot, she messages me with a map and photos of the photo shoot 'route'.

She mentioned before she was an architect, so I was not surprise that she created a transect of Boston for our shoot locations, but I was very impress nonetheless! I usually leave it up to my clients to select the location, but to have a client this organized - wow! And of course I cracked up when she said that they 'weren't pretty picture people' and that they much preferred photos that involved beautiful architecture, textures, design, art, etc. Well Melissa, I beg to differ because these pictures brought out the 'pretty' in you and Kurt :) We only had an hour together, but I quickly found your fun, outgoing personalities and I think they really came out in these photos.  And that my friends,  is what photography is all about. Bringing out the beauty in things - including architecture AND people.