Emily and Chris ~ Rockport Engagement Session

Rockport MA is beautiful. It is quintessential New England, bring a small town on the ocean and my shoot with Emily and Chis was just that - quintessential and beautiful! And what better than including Nora - their furry, energetic, black lab mix. 

Emily and Chris are getting married in Florida. Emily said she is a little stressed about getting everything done, but she was cool as a cucumber during the shoot! Her and Chris were very easy going, making my job that much more relaxed...Now, Nora...well lets just say when we first arrived they said that she was a 'crazy dog' and that if she sees any water there will be no chance of getting any photos of her! So we waited to the end of the shoot to include her and well, they were right. Although we kept her away from the water,  she was soooo not interested in taking pictures and could only think 'run, play, roam!" But after enticing her with some donut (don't judge - those of you who know me knowsmy dog's favorite food is pizza), she was able to pose just in time for a few great shots!

I wish you the best of luck with the rest of the wedding planning and a happy married life ahead!