Contest! Help me choose my next sample! Winner gets $50 Amazon Gift Card

What better way to start 2018 than with a contest?!?

I'm looking to purchase a new wall art sample, and I CANNOT decide! So I've selected 7 of my favorite sessions from last year and the one with the most votes will be my new sample wall art, AND the individual/couple/ or family featured will win a $50 Gift Card to Amazon. So help your friends win and vote for their gallery by commenting below!


1. Vote by commenting below. Make sure to include the family name in your comment to receive a vote!

2. Gallery with the most votes will win. The family, couple or individual featured in the winning gallery will win a $50 Gift Card to Amazon and I will use their photos as sample wall art products to show future clients :) 

3. Please only vote once, lets keep it fair! So share, share, share!

4. Contest will run until January 24th. So make sure to get your votes in by the deadline. 


About the Wall Art

Wall Art depicted in the photos below are hand-crafted premium canvas wraps. The image is wrapped around the edge by 2" and is UV light resistant.  Want to know more about my products? Click here


Wainer Family


Paradis Family

Meg + Jon

Gollwitzer Boys

LeBlanc Family

Miksch Family