A White Christmas // Upstate, NY

Most of my family lives in the midwest. It can be expensive to travel during the holidays so I generally visit them before Christmas and then we spend time with my husband's family on the day of - either here in Boston or in upstate NY. 

And by upstate NY, I mean middle of nowhere, country, upstate. Don't get me wrong, its beautiful country and it is nice to get away from the city every now and then. And where they live its called the Tug Hill Plateau, an area known for heavy snow events covering much of upstate NY near Lake Ontario. So it was no surprise when the weather report was calling for a huge lake effect storm the next day. Seeing how they haven't had a white Christmas in years, this was somewhat exciting! It ended up staying a bit north of them, so they didn't get the full impact buster of a storm, but still ended up with a good feet or so of snow, just in time for Christmas :) 

Decoy enjoyed the snow, as did the rest of us - cleanup and post-cleanup snow fight.