Duncan Love

I had the pleasure of photographing the most adorable little puppy a few weeks ago at Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield. Duncan, is a young Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup with lots of spunk and personality! Amanda and Ryan (aka Mom & Dad) are past clients of mine. I was fortunate enough to be their photographer on one of the most memorable days of their lives - their wedding! Which by the way was beautiful and you can check out that post here

But, back to Duncan's story. If some of you recall, I had a photo contest over last winter in which past clients could submit their favorite Wildlee photo for a chance to win a free Mini Shoot at Lake Quannapowitt. Well I ended up with two winners, Amanda being one of them! Flash forward and enter Duncan...of course any new fur-parents would want their fur-baby photographed at such a young age (totally normal). I mean, I literally take thousands of pictures of my dachshund yearly and he is plastered all over my walls. So I was stoked when Amanda contacted me to have a shoot with the newest addition to their family. 

During the shoot Amanda did remind me of something she told me at her wedding. She said "Jessie, I'm going to have you photograph all my children once I have them..." So of course I was even more flattered that I could continue to be part of their family. As a photographer, one of the things we get to see is family growth over time. This includes new additions, but also seeing children and parents grow and change. The dynamic of shoots do change with families, but from my perspective its amazing how the bond of families stay the same - or just get stronger. 

Hope you enjoy little Duncan here. I can't wait to see him again someday!

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