Golden Hour Maternity Session

Let me start off my saying this session was one for the books. I've known Marybeth for just a few short months after she returned to Wakefield after purchasing her home...ACROSS the street from me :) So we have gotten to know each other as neighbors, have walked the Lake a few times together, and her husband even gave us some fresh caught haddock after a fishing trip. Needless to say, I consider her a good friend now and I'm so excited to see her family grow! Her first child is an adorable, all-smiles, active, fun-loving 2 year old that literally always has a smile on his face. I believe that Baby #2 will be a lot like big brother and of course will be welcomed into the world with lots of love from mom, dad, big brother, family, friends - including this new friend, who lives across the street :) 

PS: I know I've said it before, but GOLDEN HOUR friends. This is why I recommend shoots at the golden hour! See that gorgeous glow and beautiful warmth? Yes, Marybeth is glowing, but that is also part golden hour sun.