Why I'm making changes to next year's sessions (golden hour rules)! PLUS Lynnfield Family Session

Hi Friends! 

I wanted to update you all on some upcoming changes you will be seeing from Wildlee Photography. While these changes will be over the winter and early next year there is something I really really want to tell you as early as possible!

As you all know, golden hour sessions are my fav. Everything about them makes me drool. Just ask my husband. While he is enjoying a nice evening commenting on the color of the sun or sky, I'm always thinking "wow this lighting is delicious and man I wish I had a session scheduled". The reason, as I have explained before, is the lighting is much softer, lessening the harsh shadows that can be cast on skin. There is a soft glow as well, that gives the skin amazing tones. Plus, it gives me full creativity - meaning I'm less worried about where to position my clients since the lighting is much more 'forgiving' at that time.  

So why am I going on about golden hour? Well next year I'm ONLY going to offer sessions during the golden hour. This is generally within an hour after sunrise and an hour or so  before sunset. The time of year will determine the exact time of session times (good thing there are lots of aps for that!). 

I know that scheduling a session during these times may not be ideal for you, or your family, but let me explain a few reasons why I'm doing this: 1) It really allows me to be the most creative with you and your family 2) This lighting WILL be the most flattering on you - we all want to be flattered right? 3) It allows for more location options, not having to worry about tring to find shade! 4) As I mentioned above, other changes are coming - and this is just one way I'm working on embracing my brand.

Featured in this blog is a family who took me up on this afternoon option. Since is was in the fall, we actually started around 2:30PM. This family was amazing. We started the session just in their front yard and then popped down to the Center of Lynnfield where there is a beautiful meeting house and green space providing a wonderful backdrop! If you want to see how other golden hour sessions turned out, click on one below!

Maternity Session

Beach Session

Engagement Session

Another Engagement Session

Senior Session

Family Session

Dog Session