My Niece Goes to Senior Prom

My niece Victoria is off to Senior Prom. Wait...what! She is OFF to SENIOR PROM? Which means this Friday she will  be graduating from Salem High School and off to college in the fall. Wow, seems like just yesterday she was 12 years old and much shorter than me. In the past 7 years I've known her, she has changed and grown so much to become such a great person that I admire and adore...not to mention has surpassed me in height. But I am so excited to see her enter this next phase of her life. Life is only beginning and college is such an amazing part of life. I wish her the best at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)....seriously could she have picked a school with a longer name!?..

You will do great VicMonster - Uncle George and I love you! PS your gorgeous :)