Jennifer T and a Fabulous Shoot

I was hired by Jennifer after I submitted a quote to her on Thumback. In case you have not heard of Thumbtack, it is a wonderful app out there that allows you to seek out professionals for a specific service. I, as a photographer, am a vendor on the site and receive requests from nearby folks looking for photography services. 

Anyways, right away I knew this shoot would be amazing. Jennifer specifically said she wanted to seek out a location that would showcase the beauty of nature and provide a sense of peacefulness. She also mentioned that she was having a breakthrough in life and that this shoot was the start of something great for her. So we settled on a location at Webb State Park in Weymouth Massachusetts. It is a great sneaky spot and even though it was a chilly "gloomy" spring New England Day I was able to capture some beautiful colors and scenes. 

During the shoot, I learned that she is a Life Coach and she was looking for headshots for her website she is working on. Hmmm Life Coach? Of course I was clueless and had to know more! She said that a Life Coach is someone who helps people identify goals and works closely with them find ways to attain them. To tell you the truth, after my first few clicks of the camera with her I knew that she was perfect for that profession! She was excited about the shoot, but I could tell she was a bit nervous and she was not quite sure how to pose and relied on me for suggestions (don't worry, thats exactly what I'm here for!), but honestly after a few different poses, she fell right into place in front of the camera. Her zest for life really showed through and I realized that she is PERFECT for being a Life Coach. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do! Jennifer - I wish you the best in your new endeavor! You got this!