Howes-Benway Family Session // Duxbury Beach, MA
I met Frank while employed at my very FIRST real job out of college (which is going on 10 years now!) Although I only spent a short time a that company, Frank was always great to work with! We have kept in touch over the years and reconnected when he reached out for an extended family session. We decided on Duxbury Beach. It was a bit windy, and bright out, but they were troopers :) We started off with some traditional posed shots, but then opened it up for a free-for-all to get some great candids! This family was soooo adorable. The kiddos were super reminded me when I was little and loved to hang out with my cousins. They are sometimes your best friends <3
Hope you enjoyed a peek into this family session!

Family PortraitsJessie WymanFamily Session, North Shore Phot, Beach Shoot, Beach Family Session, Duxbury Beach Family PhotographyComment