New Name - New Website // Wildlee Photography now Jessie Wyman Photography

That's right folks - for the new year I've decided on a new name and new website! There was a lot that went into this decision and went well beyond just a name change. But before I get into that, I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have supported me these last 3.5 years! It really has been a journey and through your support I've grown as a photographer and as a creative professional. My style and editing alone have grown tremendously. Just look at the differences below. Wow! 

Top - 2016, Bottom - 2013

Website Before and After.jpg

So, I decided to take some time and figure out how I could fix this feeling I was having. I first identified what I loved the most about my business, and what I liked the least. From there, I was able to understand where I should put my efforts and what would make my business healthier and stronger for the next year. At the same time, while I was strategizing my business plan, I was also in the process of changing my name after being married for 8 months (I know, took long enough right!?) When, then a lightbulb went off in my head!! What a perfect time to update my brand completely! and and Jessie Wyman Photography was born!

I got to work updating my website, creating a new logo and brand, and strategizing on ways to update offerings for my clients. Ultimately, this is what you can expect from Jessie Wyman Photography:

  • PRINTS. Hooray! You can now order prints through the online gallery directly. These are professional prints and the quality is amazing. While you will still have the option to download the images and print where you choose, I recommend considering ordering prints through me - as the quality is top-notch!

  • Focus on lifestyle photography. This is a direction I have been taking my clients the past year, but I really want to emphasize what this means. It is a session that captures your life in the most fun, memorable and real way as possible. I focus less on 'looking at the camera' and more on engaging subjects with each other focusing on getting real emotion. Yes, I still like to get everyone looking at the camera for a few shots, but most of my portfolio consists of candid moments which capture real smiles and expression. 

Since 2013 I've booked more sessions each year and have had a steady increase in my wedding clientele. However, I found myself becoming overwhelmed at times. Since my photography business is not my only source of income, I suddenly felt 'booked' all the time. With my Monday-Friday (day-job), editing photos at night, and my weekends filled with weddings and family sessions I hardly had any time left for myself, let alone my husband or my little pup Decoy. I started to stress about time and how I would manage to get everything done, and by the close of this 2016 I was exhausted. Exhausted to the point where I started to lose my passion for photography. It became more of a chore, and not what I loved. 

I am now on Instagram! FIRST 20 followers will get 10% off the session fee (good for 2017 season)

Follow me @jessiewymanphotos

  • ONLINE DIGITAL DOWNLOADS. Yes, all my sessions will now be placed in a secure online gallery for download. You will still receive the full resolution images, but I will no longer be mailing CDs. 

  • Newborn Photography. I have decided to no longer offer posed newborn sessions. Honestly, its just because I suck at them and without a proper studio it really made these shoots difficult. But don't worry, I will continue to offer newborn sessions, but they will be lifestyle-like. Here is a great example

  • Golden Hour. I mentioned this before in another blog post, but I will only be taking family & senior sessions during the golden hour (unless they are to be scheduled indoors). This is because I really want to provide you with the best quality session that I can. And a quality session depends on quality light. To me (and other photographers would agree), the golden hour is the BEST time for outdoor sessions because it softens shadows, gives your skin a warm golden tone and allows me flexibility in location and posing. 

  • More Weekday Availability. This is a biggie I know! I will be offering more sessions during the week to elevate some of my weekend stress. Since photography is not my full-time profession I have to ensure I have a balance in life and try not to work every day of the week. If you know you want a weekend session, please book in advance as these spots will fill up quickly!

Hopefully this will give you some insight on Jessie Wyman Photography and update you on some of my personal stuff. I have great hopes for this season and I'm excited to work with my existing clients again and hopefully gain some new clients as well. As a thank you and welcome to the Jessie Wyman Photography family, I will be offering 10% off your next session fee (or first session fee for new clients) for the first 20 followers on my new Instagram Page. You can follow me @jessiewymanphotos. So don't forget to follow me to get the discount!

I'm excited for this next season and cannot wait to work with so many familiar faces again and take on new clients!

Cheers to 2017!


Jessie W.