Gollwitzer Boys

I love my regular clients! Of course I also love getting new clients, but there is something special about having another session with a client I've had in the past. There is always a sense of ease with the shoot and after time, they start to feel like family! Plus, if there are kids involved, it is so cool to see them change overtime - and photograph those changes. The Gollwitzer boys are no exception. I first met Christine and her husband Matt and little Ryan when she was pregnant with Andrew. After Andrew became part of the family,  I had the opportunity to do a fall shoot with them last year. He is such the little ham, just like his older brother Ryan. And boy have they grown since. This time around Andrew was keeping up with big brother Ryan and just cute as could be. They both are such adorable little guys and I really enjoy photographing them!  I think you will get your week's worth of ham with these little guys!