Bertone Girls Beach Session

I've known Joanna since 2007. She and I worked together at a Consulting firm and although both of us have since moved on, we have kept in touch over the years. She was one of the first few people I connected with in Massachusetts (I also moved here in 2007) so I feel like she 'knows' me pretty well :) I have also had the pleasure of watching her adorable little girls grow into this world. This is my 3rd shoot with the girls. We always go to the same beautiful beach in Marshfield and let me tell you - THEY ARE AMAZING TO PHOTOGRAPH! Every shoot I've had they are so patient and so adorable that it really makes my job so easy. They pose how I need them to pose and when we catch the candids I'm always able to grab some beautiful images. 

Kaylie and Amelia are truly special and I'm so lucky to have been able to watch them grow these past few years. I hope you enjoy this amazing beach shoot!